Our Mixes


For all classes of Livestock

16% Layer Classic Mix

A Complete Feed for Laying Hens in Production. Ruminate meat, bone meal, and GMO free.

16% Layer Mix (mash and pellet)

A Complete Feed for Laying Hens in Production. Ruminate meat, bone meal, and GMO free.

Henscratch (Normal or All Non-GMO Grains)

A Complete Feed for Laying Hens in Production. Ruminate meat, bone meal, and GMO free.

30% Chick Starter

For Starting / Growing Gamebirds using all Non-GMO grains. Ruminate meat, bone meal, and GMO free.

13% Horse Ration (mash and pellet)

A Supplemental Feed for All Life Stages. Ruminate meat and bone meal free.

16% Creep Mix (mash and pellet)

A Complete Feed for Lambs and Kids. Ruminate meat and bone meal free.

Hog Feed 14%

Ruminate meat and bone meal free.

Hog Feed 20%

Ruminate meat and bone meal free.

Alfalfa Hog Feed 14%

Soy Free, Corn Free. Ruminate meat and bone meal free.

18% Rabbit Pellets

A Complete Feed for Rabbits. Ruminate meat and bone meal free.



Complete feed for grower feedlot cattle for prevention and control of coccidiosis by Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii.

Our Grains

Corn (whole)

Clean Cracked Corn

Twice Cleaned Whole Popcorn

Safflower (Whole)

Cracked Wheat

Oats (Whole)

Barley (Whole)


Alfalfa Pellets